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Financial experts describing the state of the Financial Markets always use the phrase “Investor Confidence”. No one ever uses the phrase “Borrower Confidence”. This simple truth represents the key to understanding how to obtain the financing that your business requires. Of course, a well drafted, well thought out business idea and business plan are required but to truly ensure initial investor/lender interest to facilitate your funding needs, borrowers need to create “Investor Confidence” by demonstrating that the capital provided is safe. To truly ensure initial investor/lender interest to facilitate your funding needs, borrowers need to create “Investor Confidence” by demonstrating
Traditionally, posting collateral belonging to the borrowing entity, the individual owners or both usually does this. In addition, the investor/lender often requires a high interest rate and/or a substantial percentage of the borrowing entity’s equity. Not only does this often prove untenable or unattractive to the borrower but more importantly, it fails to separate you from the masses of other companies also seeking financing. It is axiomatic that attracting initial interest to your project greatly increases the odds that financing can be achieved. The ultimate question for the business owner seeking capital to answer is” How do you attract that initial interest?”
MONILAB CAPITAL PARTNERS (hereinafter “MONILAB¨) in conjunction with its partner companies is pleased to be able to facilitate the acquisition of project financing through our ability to create investment grade collateral to support project funding requests. Our methodology provides investors in high-risk alternative investment opportunities the ability to invest with little risk relative to the types of investments. At the same time, it affords those projects seeking financing with a solution that will facilitate their capital raises. Thus, resulting in a process that really takes the risk out of the investment for investors without the borrower incurring substantial cost or administrative burden.
The business consulting services process shall include but not be limited to the following:
Upon execution of the Management Consulting Agreement a Retainer Fee is due and payable. The Retainer Fees are scalable depending upon the amount of financing.
The fees are in USD or EUR as follows:
Capital Raise Retainer % of Ask
1 Million $35,000.00 7.00 %
2 Million $50,000.00 7.00 %
3 Million $75,000.00 6.75 %
4 Million $100,000.00 6.50 %
5 Million $125,000.00 6.25 %
10 Million $175,000.00 6.00 %
10-20 Million $275,000.00 5.75 %
20-30 Million $375,000.00 5.50 %
30- UP $495,000.00 5.25 %
Upon the Client’s acquisition of investment capital which includes additional investment capital over and above the capital required for project capital is provided, the following Post-Funding Services will be provided by MONILAB and its partner companies:
MONILAB shall receive the following compensation once Client receives the investment capital from the investor/lender:
1225 Ave Ponce de Leon, Santurce, San Juan 00907, Puerto Rico