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Established in 2009, a group of professionals from the Banking and Finance industry with more than 35 years of experience and a focus on Bank Guarantee (BG), Stand by Letter of Credit (SBLC), MTN (Medium Term Note), LTN (Long Term Note) Term), Managed Bank Guarantee Programs, Monetization and Non-Recourse Financing. Our board members have worked in the Financial Instruments Department of the top 25 banks in the world. Our team consists of experienced bankers, dealers, commodity traders and lawyers. investments
We provide and arrange delivery of certified BG (Bank Guarantee), SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit) from the world's top 100 qualified and reputable banks to any bank of the customer's choosing. We also offer a managed BG program where we issue and monetize the BG for you.
Minimum Investment: 1.5 M USD
Minimum Investment Period: 36 Months
Our methodology provides investors in high-risk alternative investment opportunities with the ability to invest with little risk relative to the types of investments. At the same time, it provides those projects seeking financing with a solution that will facilitate their raising of capital. Thus, it results in a process that truly de-risks the investment for investors without the borrower incurring a substantial cost or administrative burden.
Puerto Rico hot! Real Estate Market
Biotech Project Funding
Renewable Energy
Hospitals & Assisted Living
Technology & Climate Control
International Commerce
We provide and arrange delivery of certified BG (Bank Guarantee), SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit) from the world's top 100 qualified and reputable banks to any bank of the customer's choosing. We also offer a managed BG program where we issue and monetize the BG for you.
Invest in Syndicated Program
Min. Investment amount $150,000 USD
ROI: 25% in 3 months
In the world, 70% of life policies are not collected and one of the main reasons is because they stop being paid and are cancelled. It is important that people who have Life Insurance cannot continue paying it or need liquidity, they have to know that life insurance is an asset that can be sold at any time it is necessary.
A Life Settlement is the sale of an existing life insurance policy to an investor, where the offer is greater than the cash surrender value of the policy, but less than the death benefit. In these types of agreements the owner of the policy receives a lump sum of money to use as they see fit. The market value of a life insurance policy depends on numerous factors, including the health status of the insured, the type of life insurance policy, when the policy was issued, futures premiums on the policy, and how it is structured. that policy. Once the sale of a life insurance policy is made, the purchaser of the policy is responsible for all future premium payments and becomes the new beneficiary of the policy. Policy buyers are typically large institutional investors, who purchase life insurance policies through a licensed life settlement provider. Once the life insurance policy is sold, the new owner assumes responsibility for paying the insurance premiums until it is time to collect the death benefit. These institutional investors have large funds that buy many policies to diversify their investment.